Various Studies related to the Climate Change with Observation, Remote Sensing Data, GCM and RCM etc.
Hydrometeorology (Precipitation, Temperature, Relative Humidity, Evapotranspiration etc.)
Statistical Hydrology (L-moments, Time Series Analysis, Spatial-Temporal Analysis etc.)
Disaster Engineering (Stormwater, Flood, Drought, Typhoon etc.)
Application of Advanced Computational and Statistical Technique (Hybrid Bias Correction, Deep Learning, Clustering etc.)
다양한 기후변화 관련 연구들 (관측자료, 원격탐사자료, 전지구기후모형, 지역기후모형 등)
수문기상학 (강수, 기온, 상대습도, 증발산 등)
통계 수문학 (L-moments, 시계열 분석, 시공간 분석 등)
재난 공학 (호우, 홍수, 가뭄, 태풍 등)
최신 계산 및 통계 기법들의 응용 (하이브리드 편의 보정, 딥러닝, 클러스터링 등)
Climate Change
(2020) Impacts of potential evapotranspiration on drought phenomena in different regions and climate zones, Science of the Total Environment.
(2020) Projection of vegetation impacts on future droughts over West Africa using a coupled RegCM-CLM-CN-DV, Climate Change.
(2019) Permafrost response to vegetation greenness variation in the Arctic tundra through positive feedback in surface air temperature and snow cover, Environmental Research Letter.
(2018) Performance Evaluation of four Statistical Tests for Trend and Non-stationarity and Assessment of Observed and Projected Annual Maximum Precipitation Series in Major United States Cities, Water Resources Management.
(2017) Estimating potential wind energy from sparsely located stations in a mountainous coastal region, Meteorological Applications.
(2017) Spatial and Temporal Variations in Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in a Mountainous Island, Jeju, in South Korea, Water.
(2017) Spatial variations in temperature in a mountainous region of Jeju Island, South Korea, International Journal of Climatology.
(2017) Spatial analysis of relative humidity during ungauged periods in a mountainous region, Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
(2016) Spatio-temporal variations of precipitation considering the orographic effects on Jeju Island, Atmospheric Research.
Statistical Hydrology
(2020) Evaluation of Nitrate Load Estimations Using Neural Networks and Canonical Correlation Analysis with K-Fold Cross-Validation, Sustainability.
(2020) Comparison of Long Short-Term Memory and Weighted Regressions on Time, Discharge, and Season Models for Nitrate-N Load Estimation, Sustainability.
(2019) Uncertainty analysis of the relationship between discharge and nitrate concentration in the Lower Illinois River using a copula model, Journal of Cleaner Production.
(2017) Modeling nonstationary extreme value distributions with nonlinear functions, Journal of Hydrology.
(2016) Hybrid approach in statistical bias correction of projected precipitation for the frequency analysis of extreme events, Advances in Water Resources.
Disaster Engineering
(2018) Evaluation and modification of the Drought Severity Index (DSI) in East Asia, Remote Sensing of Environment.
(2018) Drought Assessment with the Community Land Model for 1951–2010 in East Asia, Sustainability.
(2017) Evaluating historical drought characteristics simulated in CORDEX East Asia against observations, International Journal of Climatology.
(2017) A comparative study to determine the optimal copula model for the wind speed and precipitation of typhoons, International Journal of Climatology.
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